Meridio Outlook Integration

Managing your MeridioTM ECM content from within Outlook. The Meridio Outlook integration

The affinityTM Meridio Outlook integration provides users with easy access to their Meridio ECM repository through the Microsoft Outlook interface.

Using the Meridio ECM connector organizations can enable users to have access to multiple document repositories in parallel. This means users can easily transition from their Meridio ECM system to a new system, such as SharePoint/Microsoft 365 or HP TRIM, minimizing the need for change management. Users are still provided with email and document management tools throughout the transition period resulting in zero downtime.

The Meridio Outlook integration provides a rich Outlook interface that is fast, familiar and intuitive for both legacy and new systems. Users can have access to multiple systems in parallel avoiding the need to execute a big bang migration.

Benefits of Meridio Outlook integration:

  • Simple to use client providing easy and efficient access to Meridio ECM repository content for users from Outlook
  • Provides a rich Outlook interface for both legacy and new systems in parallel giving users access to multiple systems at the same time
  • Provides on-going client support for existing Meridio repositories e.g. Windows 10/Outlook 2016
  • Access Meridio ECM content within a folder hierarchy in Outlook – available on and offline. Repstor affinity Meridio ECM connector is a full offline client, providing access, addition and editing while offline. This allows users to have browsing capability of content in the Meridio repository both online and offline
  • Add Files or Emails to Meridio ECM from Outlook: Users can file content from Windows Explorer, Outlook folders and similar applications to Meridio locations through Repstor affinity’s Quick File functionality or drag and drop.
  • Use Repstor affinity to copy or transfer documents between the Meridio repository and other existing repositories such as SharePoint and HP TRIM®.
  • Notification of added or updated content: Users can keep track of content within multiple repository sites. affinity will use standard unread notifications to flag new or updated content.

Repstor affinity leads the ECM market with its extensive integration to multiple repositories.

Request a demo of our multiple repository support to learn more…

Repstor Joins Ireland’s Technology Elite on the Deloitte Technology Fast 50

The company’s continued momentum has prompted a new recruitment drive, as its Office 365 for matter management approach attracts high demand

Belfast, October 30th, 2017 – Repstor, the ECM adoption company that helps businesses exploit their SharePoint and Office 365 investments, has made the prestigious Deloitte Technology Fast 50 for the first time, the company has reported.

Now in their 18th year, the Deloitte Fast 50 awards, rank Ireland’s fastest growing technology companies and recognises indigenous technology companies that have demonstrated exceptional growth in turnover in the last four years. This summer, Repstor announced it was moving its growing operations to the Scottish Provident Building in Belfast city centre following a second consecutive doubling of revenues year on year.

By offering organisations a way to better organise and manage their content using software they already use every day, Repstor has struck a chord with user communities, IT teams and budget controllers. Over the last year, growing numbers of global and national brands have exploited Repstor’s ECM adoption technologies to maximise their investments in Office 365 and SharePoint as well as content management tools such as Box, M-Files and OpenText. Its case and matter management products, meanwhile, have experienced enthusiastic take-up among private law firms and corporate legal departments.

The announcement of Repstor’s entry into the Deloitte Technology Fast 50 rankings follows hot on the heels of news that the company is a finalist in two categories in the British Legal Technology Awards 2017, along with strategic partner Eversheds Sutherland. The partners have been shortlisted for ES/Unity™, the MS Office 365-based legal matter life-cycle management solution they co-launched in March. The collaboration has also been shortlisted for the DM awards.

In response to soaring market demand for its products, Repstor has now launched a new recruitment drive designed to boost its sales, pre-sales and delivery teams.

Commenting on the news, Alan McMillen, CEO at Repstor, said: “We’re thrilled to have come to the notice of another highly reputable awards programme, in the form of the Deloitte Technology Fast 50 – particularly as it acknowledges the rapid growth we are experiencing. 2017 has been an incredible year for Repstor, and the momentum around our products feels unstoppable. That’s why we’re now actively going out to market to look for additional talent to bolster our sales effort, in a major recruitment initiative.

“Repstor’s appeal is very clear cut,” he added. “It comes from our ability to target everyday pain points for businesses around how they store and manage content – crucially, without them having to undergo huge and expensive upheaval, as they would if they went out and bought separate, specialist ECM systems. Our products let people keep working the way they always have, while making it easier to manage, share, find and track content – with substantial efficiency, productivity, transparency and compliance benefits.”

Repstor’s exact ranking within the Fast 50 will be revealed at this year’s Deloitte Technology Fast 50 Awards on November 3rd in Dublin.

To find out more about Repstor’s job openings, take a look here.

Repstor to Launch New Mobile Content Management Suite at AIIM Forum 2017

New mobile offering is a market-first for intelligent and accurate ‘on the move’ content filing and showcases an intuitive mobile browser for matter management

March 23rd, 2017 –Repstor, the ECM adoption company that helps businesses exploit their SharePoint and Office 365 investments, has announced that it will launch its new mobile suite at the upcoming AIIM Forum 2017.

Giving Information Workers content access and collaboration from any device and any location, the new Repstor mobile offering will revolutionise access to case and content management systems.

Explaining the motivation behind the new mobile content management suite, Repstor’s CTO, Fergus Wilson commented, “Giving information workers sophisticated mobile access to information that enables them to file emails intelligently and accurately, for example, is a non-trivial task. Yet it is an essential capability if they are truly to ‘work’ on the move. Based on our content categorisation technology, assist™ we are providing information workers intelligent, accurate email filing and categorisation on the go, from any device.”

Repstor has also chosen the AIIM Forum 2017 event to showcase its new mobile app for Repstor for custodian™, an intuitive case management solution for SharePoint and Office 365. The new app delivers mobile access and browsing of cases and legal matters on the go.

The AIIM Forum UK is a FREE independent event brought to you by AIIM International, to deliver thought leadership, market insights and expert advice through a one-day programme of educational seminars and a major showcase of the latest information management innovations. Registration is free.

See you at the AIIM Forum 2017 on June 21st in London. Drop by the Repstor stand. Welcome to Mobile Content Management

assist Brochure

Assisted Filing For Email And Document Content

Repstor assist provides filing assistance for users who need to file documents and emails into ECM systems like SharePoint. It makes filing fast and accurate by providing suggested locations based on existing filed content.

assist automatically suggests where content should be filed, removing the need for users to traverse large filing hierarchies or complete metadata forms to locate the correct filing locations for documents and emails.

Read more in our brochure. 

Want to find out what Repstor can do for you? Fill in the form below NOW:

Global Professional Services Firm Deploys Repstor ECM Adoption Software In A Highly Regulated Environment

The client is one of the largest global professional services firms providing Audit, Tax and Advisory services.

  • Part of a global network of professional services firms with around 150,000 staff working together in 150 countries worldwide
  • Needs to collaborate frequently to share knowledge and maintain productivity across their extensive and remote workforce
  • Wanted to enable co-existence of legacy ECM systems for a transition period to minimize migration pains

The German operation of this global firm operates within a highly regulated environment. The firm had a requirement to promote productivity and increase collaboration in the field while facilitating a migration and switch over to Microsoft SharePoint from legacy ECM systems.

Given the nature of the client’s business there was a high volume of content being generated and acquired in the field. Users could be working on a variety of engagements at any one time and are often in remote client locations. They needed to be able to file content accurately and quickly whether on or offline and harvest audit content when appropriate.

The operation also had a number of legacy systems deployed to meet the needs of the individual departments which were reaching end of life and requiring significant upgrades to allow the use of the later versions of Microsoft Office which were the office tools of choice for the workforce. Facing significant upgrade costs the decision was made to deploy a single ECM platform to meet all needs across departments with SharePoint 2013 forming the core of the platform.


  • High volumes of content being acquired in the field
  • Legacy systems, content and processes to continue to be used
  • Need to minimise change and maintain productivity
  • Frequent team collaboration on engagement content, often by remote users
  • Users spend large proportion of their time on customer sites/out of the office


  • Cost avoidance: Significant cost avoidance by avoiding the need to upgrade legacy platforms to work with new Microsoft Client
  • User adoption: The client has seen the users embrace the new system in their everyday tasks. Users can access the new SharePoint repository from Microsoft Outlook and have needed no training on the system as it works exactly like Outlook folders. At the same time users have retained access to legacy content stored in the legacy ECM systems.
  • Compliance: Repstor affinity enables compliance related content to be easily captured and shared, as and when needed, on or offline.
  • Click HERE to read the full case study. 


Want to know more about how Repstor can help you? Fill out the form below NOW and one of our team will be in touch with you shortly.

Repstor and CompanyNet will be joined by Hymans Robertson at AIIM Forum

Barry Smart, IT Director at Hymans Robertson is confirmed….

London, 26th May 2016

Barry Smart, IT Director at leading pensions, benefits, and risk consultancy Hymans Robertson, will be joining Repstor and CompanyNet on stage at this year’s AIIM Forum UK on 22nd June, Ibis London Earls Court (ILEC).

In the session, Barry will talk about their newly implemented Client Information Management (CIM) system which has transformed the way they record, manage and use information about their customers, enabling them to better manage the entire customer lifecycle.

Barry is confirmed to talk alongside Repstor and CompanyNet. CompanyNet, a leading business solutions provider implemented the solution at Hymans Robertson. Repstor is an ECM Adoption specialist, whose affinity and CRM Link products have been deployed in Hymans Robertson as part of the CIM solution. The session will provide insight on how the CIM system has been designed to help Hymans Robertson enrich the overall customer experience.

Barry Smart PR_smallBarry is delighted to be talking about his insight into this exciting programme, “CIM is all about delivering a great service to our clients, by harnessing the latest technology to transform the way we record and manage information across the end to end lifecycle.



Andy headshot PR_smallAndy Hamilton, CEO at CompanyNet, is especially excited about this year’s event, “This will be our second year at AIIM Forum UK having become an AIIM Member earlier this year. It’s a fantastic opportunity to showcase such a successful project and we are delighted Barry will be joining us on stage to talk about CIM and the exciting innovation that is being rolled out to their organisation.”


Repstor team“We are a regular sponsor of the AIIM UK event and are looking forward to a successful show. We are excited to be joined this year by CompanyNet and Barry from Hymans Robertson to share this success story and the ease with which the Repstor products have been deployed as part of this project ensuring end user productivity and adoption,” said Alan McMillen, CEO at Repstor.


AIIM Forum UK is a must attend event for information professionals that regularly attracts over 300 attendees. The theme of this year’s forum is “Time to Transform Your Information Processes”. If you are attending, please visit Repstor at stand 7 and CompanyNet at stand 13 for more information and a chance to see CIM for yourself.

About Hymans Robertson LLP 
Founded in 1921, Hymans Robertson is one of the longest established independent actuarial firms in the UK. We deliver a full range of services including actuarial, investment consulting, enterprise risk management, third-party pensions administration and communications consulting. Our client base includes FTSE 100, FTSE 250, privately owned firms and financial institutions. We’re also recognised leaders in the field of public sector pensions. For more information see

About CompanyNet
CompanyNet is a leading independent software-based solutions company that continues to build upon two decades of experience at the front line of technology, with our distinct expertise. We are passionate about what we do and have a professional pride, acute attention to detail, track record for delivery, and exemplary levels of customer satisfaction with a reputation for excellence.

We are dedicated to building upon and extensively customise proven Microsoft platform to help enable our customers to increase revenue, reduce costs, and improve customer service to gain competitive advantage. We build upon technologies (SharePoint, Dynamics CRM and SQL Server) to develop a uniquely-fitting solution for your organisation and its requirements.

CompanyNet is flying the flag as Scotland’s only Gold accredited Dynamics CRM partner as well as acquiring Europe’s first gold level in both Dynamics CRM and SharePoint; making us, as Microsoft would say, “trusted experts using innovative technology supported by Microsoft.”

For more information please visit:

About Repstor
Repstor was created to inspire ECM Adoption. We are dedicated to developing products that enable collaboration and compliance for the Outlook-centric workforce. Repstor’s products make access to content systems easy and intuitive for users, by providing access to them within the familiar interface of Microsoft® Outlook®.   By making access to the content system easy and intuitive for users, we overcome the main cause of failed deployments of ECM systems – failure of users to adopt the system.

Our products are ideal for mobile, remote and semi-disconnected users especially in industries like Professional Services, Legal, Oil and Gas, Public Sector and other regulated industries.  We significantly reduce change management costs when rolling out systems, improve ROI for existing systems, and fully support Microsoft Office 365.

Natural Resources Wales benefits from easy filing, better collaboration and compliance in Office 365 with Repstor affinity

NRW has deployed Repstor affinity to enable users across their Office 365 deployment to meet regulatory needs…

London, 15 December 2015

Leading ECM Adoption specialist, Repstor, today announced that Natural Resources Wales, has deployed Repstor affinity, to enable users across their widely dispersed Office 365 deployment to meet regulatory needs for records management and compliance.

Natural Resources Wales (NRW) is the largest Welsh Government Sponsored Body – employing 1,900 staff across Wales with a budget of £180 million. It was formed in April 2013, largely taking over the functions of the Countryside Council for Wales, Forestry Commission Wales and the Environment Agency in Wales, as well as certain Welsh Government functions.

One of the key commitments for NRW, and in keeping with Central Government strategies, was to deliver secure, accessible, effective, easy to use, online services to its customers.  Where possible, and appropriate, NRW has committed to using cloud services, existing solutions and shared services. Office 365TM is at the heart of NRW’s strategy and was chosen as it would support the early days of the new organisation by providing cost effective browser based functionality to staff, who at that time were operating on three separate systems. The core functionality at that time was email, intranet and document management.

In selecting Office 365 NRW knew that it wouldn’t meet all of their business needs and that additional tools would be required. One requirement was to support the management of email content as part of formal records management. User adoption of any new system was a critical factor. Staff were facing significant changes and it was important that any new tools could be deployed with minimum impact.

Over a four month period, NRW completed a comprehensive review of products available under the G-Cloud programme that could potentially allow this requirement to be met with Office 365. This resulted in the selection of Repstor affinity and its rapid roll out to all users of the NRW Office 365 system.

The NRW G-Cloud procurement included comprehensive presentations and demonstrations of the products alongside subsequent evaluation of the software on the Natural Resources Wales Office 365 system.  Repstor affinity was chosen because when the extensive evaluation was completed the product was seen to provide the best value for money including providing everything that was needed to meet all of the functional and non-functional requirements in the most effective manner. Critical to this was the depth of integration with Outlook for ease of use, adoption and configurability of the product to meet the very specific requirements without any customisation.

“Repstor affinity is a key part of our Office 365 deployment. Its quick deployment and ease of use has meant that users have adopted the system without the need for any special training enabling us to seamlessly bring users on board, focusing on ensuring that our policies are effectively implemented,” Debra Jones, Project Manager, Natural Resources Wales.

“The ease of use particularly around filing and retrieval of content has been an essential part of rolling out this project without the need for a large change management effort on our part around the use of the software,” adds Debra.

Repstor products were seen as being the best performing, most tightly integrated and most feature rich option while being the easiest for users to adopt, meaning that users are more productive and are able to take advantage of the software with zero training requirements.

To read the full Natural Resource Wales case study click here.

Supporting Resources:

About Natural Resources Wales
Natural Resources Wales (NRW) is the largest Welsh Government Sponsored Body – employing 1,900 staff across Wales with a budget of £180 million. It was formed in April 2013, largely taking over the functions of the Countryside Council for Wales, Forestry Commission Wales and the Environment Agency in Wales, as well as certain Welsh Government functions. Learn more at

About Repstor
Repstor was created to inspire ECM Adoption. We are dedicated to developing products that enable collaboration and compliance for the Outlook-centric workforce. Repstor’s products make access to content systems easy and intuitive for users, by providing access to them within the familiar interface of Microsoft® Outlook®.  By making access to the content system easy and intuitive for users, we overcome the main cause of failed deployments of ECM systems – failure of users to adopt the system.

Our products are ideal for mobile, remote and semi-disconnected users especially in industries like Professional Services, Legal, Oil and Gas, Public Sector and other regulated industries.  We significantly reduce change management costs when rolling out systems, improve ROI for existing systems, and fully support Microsoft Office 365.

For further press information please contact Olivia Bushe at Repstor:
Email: or telephone +44 (0)28 9072 6061.
For more information please visit

Repstor awarded place on the G-Cloud 7 services agreement by Crown Commercial Service

Repstor, is pleased to announce it has once again secured its position as a supplier to the UK public sector by being awarded a place on the G-Cloud 7 agreement

London, 2 December 2015

Crown Commerical Services

Leading ECM adoption specialist, Repstor, is pleased to announce it has once again secured its position as a supplier to the UK public sector by being awarded a place on the G-Cloud 7 agreement for the supply of Software as a Service (SaaS) and Specialist Cloud Services (SCS) by the Crown Commercial Service (CCS).

Repstor is delighted that it has been awarded a place on the latest Crown Commercial Service G-Cloud programme, G-Cloud 7. This means that all G-Cloud customers will continue to have access to Repstor Software as a Service and Specialist Cloud Services offerings via the G-Cloud online store, the Digital Marketplace. These offerings have been expanded to include more products from the Repstor product line including the Repstor affinity, assist, custodian and CRM Link products.

The G-Cloud 7 agreement supports the Government’s policy to centrally manage the procurement of common goods and services through an integrated commercial function at the heart of government. The agreement can be used by organisations across the UK public sector including central government, local government, health, education, devolved administrations, emergency services, defence and not-for-profit organisations.

Repstor helps government organisations successfully deploy ECM (Enterprise Content Management) systems by inspiring user adoption. We create products that users will adopt by making them intuitive and familiar. The Repstor flagship products, affinity and assist provide uninterrupted access to content from systems such as Microsoft® SharePoint®, HP Records Manager 8/TRIM®, Meridio® and File Shares through the familiar, intuitive interface of Microsoft Outlook®.

Repstor’s products and services enable users to continue with their preferred way of working while easily managing their information from Outlook hence ensuring content is filed correctly in the ECM systems that control policy and security. This avoids much of the change control, training and policy enforcement required where tools are new, unfamiliar, often perform poorly and are too complex for the general end user.

Repstor products currently available as part of the G-Cloud7 programme include:

  • Repstor affinityTM provides uninterrupted access to content repositories within the familiar interface of Microsoft® Outlook®. Repositories like Microsoft SharePoint®, HP Records Manager 8/TRIM®, Meridio® and File Shares can be accessed seamlessly from within Outlook.
  • Repstor assistTM provides additional filing capability that keeps the filed content fully available while on or offline. It provides assisted filing to users by taking best practice filing and using this to suggest the most suitable location for new content.
  • Repstor custodianTM turns Microsoft SharePoint into an effective case document management system to help organisations gain rapid ROI from SharePoint and Office 365TM investments.
  • Repstor CRM Link provides users with a secure and fast link to Microsoft Dynamics CRM and SharePoint (or other ECM Systems) from within Microsoft Outlook.

By providing intuitive access to Office 365 and other content systems from Microsoft Outlook, Repstor helps organisations manage their content easily and to successfully deploy ECM systems by providing the tools needed to ensure their users adopt these systems.

The UK Government G-Cloud Programme is an initiative targeted at easing procurement by public-sector bodies in departments of the United Kingdom Government of commodity information technology services that use cloud computing. The G-Cloud consists of:

  • A series of framework agreements with suppliers, from which public sector organisations can buy services without needing to run a full tender or competition procurement process
  • An online store – the “Digital Marketplace” (previously “CloudStore”) that allows public sector bodies to search for services that are covered by the G-Cloud frameworks

G-Cloud covers the processes of buying, managing and using cloud services and provides Public Sector Bodies with a range of the best industry IT services and solutions available off-the-shelf for use when they need them.

Alan McMillen, CEO Repstor“Being awarded this place on the G-Cloud 7 agreement further confirms Repstor’s position as a leading SME supplier of Cloud services to the UK Public Sector. As part of the G-Cloud 7 agreement we have extended the range of products and services we are offering on the Digital Marketplace online store and are excited to be part of the G-Cloud 7 programme delivering great value cloud based products and services to Public Sector Bodies,”                   Alan McMillen, CEO, Repstor.


Supporting Resources:


About Repstor

Repstor was created to inspire ECM Adoption. We are dedicated to developing products that enable collaboration and compliance for the Outlook-centric workforce. Repstor’s products make access to content systems easy and intuitive for users, by providing access to them within the familiar interface of Microsoft® Outlook®. By making access to the content system easy and intuitive for users, we overcome the main cause of failed deployments of ECM systems – failure of users to adopt the system.

Our products are ideal for mobile, remote and semi-disconnected users especially in industries like Professional Services, Legal, Oil and Gas, Public Sector and other regulated industries. We significantly reduce change management costs when rolling out systems, improve ROI for existing systems, and fully support Microsoft Office 365TM.

For further press information please contact Olivia Bushe at Repstor:
Email: or telephone +44 (0)28 9072 6061.

About the Crown Commercial Service

The Crown Commercial Service (CCS) works with both departments and organisations across the whole of the public sector to ensure maximum value is extracted from every commercial relationship and improve the quality of service delivery. The CCS goal is to become the “go-to” place for expert commercial and procurement services.

Contact: Government Procurement Service Press Office
Tel: 0345 010 3503            Email:   Web:

Repstor Displaces Competitor in Email Management Software deployment at Queen’s University Belfast

Queen’s University Belfast, one of the UK’s leading universities, has selected and is deploying Repstor affinity across its Contracts team

Belfast, 15 October 2015

Leading ECM Adoption specialist, Repstor, today announced that Queen’s University Belfast, one of the UK’s leading universities, has selected and is deploying Repstor affinity across its Contracts team to underpin its email and content management program and to facilitate easy filing of email and content into their ECM platform Microsoft® SharePoint®.

Queen’s University Belfast is a member of the Russell Group of 24 leading UK research-intensive universities, alongside Oxford, Cambridge and Imperial College London and among the top one per cent of global universities. The Contracts team is part of the Research and Enterprise Directorate at the University and leads in the preparation, negotiation and execution of contracts for research and consultancy undertaken by academic staff.  The key role of the team is to ensure the interests of the University are protected in relation to intellectual property rights, research income and consultancy and supporting the delivery of the best possible commercialization outcomes. In order to do this team members are required to file relevant email and other content into contract folders so that all of the Contracts team members are able to access, manage and collaborate around this content.

In an effort to increase team collaboration Microsoft® SharePoint® was being used to store contract and commercial content. Queen’s University had also previously selected a leading competitor’s email management software to assist with the filing of email and content from Outlook into SharePoint. However this tool was slowing down the performance of Outlook which resulted in it being a very time consuming way of adding content to SharePoint. In particular the filing of email content to a large number of folders was extremely slow and cumbersome and there was no effective solution capability for Contract team users to use when working offline. Indeed the performance of Outlook had become so slow that most of the Contract team had de-installed the email management application.

In searching for a solution Queen’s selected Repstor affinity based on its ease of use, and true native integration with Microsoft Outlook and Office. Also highlighted during the evaluation was email filing and management, performance and stability, support for search, ease of enterprise-wide deployment and offline working. Using Repstor affinity the Contracts team could file email and other content quickly and easily into Microsoft® SharePoint® while also having an effective offline working solution. They could achieve all of this without impacting Outlook’s performance.

TomQUB_7055s“Queen’s University chose the Repstor affinity product because it provided a level of product integration, ease of use and performance that we did not see elsewhere. The filing of email is key within the Contracts team and in our evaluation filing of email to SharePoint using the Quick File tool in Repstor affinity was fast and easy, which was not the experience with competing products. The affinity product required no user training and was easily deployed across our entire team,” Tom Edgar, Head of Consultancy & Technical Services, Research and Enterprise Directorate, Queen’s University Belfast.

In selecting Repstor affinity Queen’s recognized that by providing an effective and easily adopted Outlook application, email and content filing into its Microsoft SharePoint ECM system would increase, improving team collaboration and productivity while meeting compliance needs.

Alan McMillen of the Repstor team.“We are delighted to be working with Queen’s University Belfast. It is great to work with a local University and to hear how their evaluation of the market led to our product being clearly identified as the market leader for Outlook and SharePoint integration,” Alan McMillen, CEO, Repstor Limited. 



Supporting Resources:

About Queen’s University, Belfast
Queen’s University Belfast was founded as Queen’s College in 1845, before becoming a university in its own right in 1908. Today, it is an international center of research and education and a major part of the fabric of Northern Ireland. With more than 23,000 students and 3,700 staff, it is a dynamic and diverse institution, a magnet for inward investment, a major employer and investor, a patron of the arts and a global player in areas ranging from cancer studies to sustainability, and from pharmaceuticals to creative writing.

About Repstor
Repstor was created to inspire ECM Adoption. We are dedicated to developing products that enable collaboration and compliance for the Outlook-centric workforce. Repstor’s products make access to content systems easy and intuitive for users, by providing access to them within the familiar interface of Microsoft® Outlook®.   By making access to the content system easy and intuitive for users, we overcome the main cause of failed deployments of ECM systems – failure of users to adopt the system.

Our products are ideal for mobile, remote and semi-disconnected users especially in industries like Professional Services, Legal, Oil and Gas, Public Sector and other regulated industries.  We significantly reduce change management costs when rolling out systems, improve ROI for existing systems, and fully support Microsoft Office 365.

For further press information please contact Olivia Bushe at Repstor:
Email: or telephone +44 (0)28 9072 6061. For more information please visit

Repstor affinity 3.0 – the Content Management tool for Microsoft 365 introduces Windows Explorer integration with Repstor drive

Repstor is pleased to announce the launch of the latest version of its Outlook content management tool Repstor affinity 3.0.

London, 4 August 2015

Repstor, the leading ECM adoption specialist, is pleased to announce the launch of the latest version of its Outlook content management tool Repstor affinityTM 3.0.

Microsoft® Outlook® is familiar to most as their email client. It is simple and easy to use. For many people it’s the first thing they open when they arrive in work, and the last thing closed before home time. They use it to collaborate with colleagues and customers.  Since we spend so much time in Outlook, wouldn’t it be ideal if all of the things we need for day-to-day work were accessible there?

Using Repstor affinity 3.0 makes this possible. Users get seamless access to their content repositories both on and offline without leaving the Outlook interface, regardless of what document repository it is saved in, meaning they can collaborate easily with colleagues. With this release there is enhanced Microsoft Word®, Excel® and PowerPoint® integration. You can compare documents and convert documents to Adobe® PDF directly from affinity. Property support has also been improved. Repstor affinity 3.0 adds new repository support for HighQ Collaborate and Meridio®, ECM repositories along with the existing SharePoint®, OneDrive® and HP Records Manager/TRIM® support. Access to Repstor affinity folders and content is now also possible using the file system through the Repstor driveTM product. This enables users to save from any Windows Application directly into Repstor affinity.

CTO, Repstor“With 3.0, the affinity product further extends its deep integration with Microsoft 365 and other ECM repositories – providing access through the familiar interface of Microsoft Outlook without impacting Outlook’s stability or performance. We continue to deliver enterprise ECM user adoption by providing users with access to tools from where they prefer to do their work,” said Fergus Wilson, Repstor’s CTO.

Extending Repstor and Microsoft 365 Integration

The affinity 3.0 release delivers enhanced email and content management by providing deeper integration with Microsoft 365 and the Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint products. In affinity 3.0 Repstor has provided a new Compare Word Documents content menu which compares the contents of two affinity documents in Word. Users can also convert documents accessed from affinity to Adobe PDF directly from the Microsoft Word application. 3.0 also improves property support for managed metadata and user and group properties (allowing auto-complete for these property types both on and offline).

New Repstor Drive Module

Repstor focuses on giving users the choice to manage their content and access their documents via the application of their choice. With affinity 3.0 Repstor delivers a new Repstor driveTM module which enables users to access and save content via Windows® Explorer®. Users are able to save to Repstor affinity in the File->Save dialog, removing the need to move away from the source application in order to add a document to the organizations repository.

Improved Repository Support

Today Repstor affinity leads the ECM market with its extensive integration to multiple repositories. At every release of the affinity product Repstor aims to extend this support. Affinity 3.0 provides Outlook integration and support for the HighQ Collaborate product which is largely used as a collaboration tool for legal companies and also the Meridio ECM repository, providing users with the ability to store and access content in multiple repositories. Existing repository support has also been improved by providing property synchronization for HP TRIM® repositories.

Supporting Resources:

About Repstor
Repstor was created to inspire ECM Adoption. We are dedicated to developing products that enable collaboration and compliance for the Outlook-centric workforce. Repstor’s products make access to content systems easy and intuitive for users, by providing access to them within the familiar interface of Microsoft® Outlook®.   By making access to the content system easy and intuitive for users, we overcome the main cause of failed deployments of ECM systems – failure of users to adopt the system.

Our products are ideal for mobile, remote and semi-disconnected users especially in industries like Professional Services, Legal, Oil and Gas, Public Sector and other regulated industries.  We significantly reduce change management costs when rolling out systems, improve ROI for existing systems, and fully support Microsoft 365.